Friday, May 11, 2007


Last night I took my daughter to see a Play, just me and her...It was great fun, I used to do that a great deal with my mom when I was her age, we had a great time...The play was called Post-it, and it was about 3 girls in their 30's sharing an apartment, and all the things that happen around that age...Girl stuff...

Bienvenue dans le monde merveilleux des filles et plus particulièrement dans l’appartement de Léa, Cécile et Charlotte, trois co-locatrices, la trentaine, que l’on observe comme au travers d’un trou de serrure. Le ton est léger, les répliques fusent alors n’oubliez pas de coller un post-it sur votre réfrigérateur et marquez y bien : à ne pas manquer !

WERE: New theater in Plaisir
Theatre Espaces Coluche
980 Av du General de Gaulle
78370 Plaisir


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